We have all been against the way we were taught in school. Wherein a lot of importance was laid on theory with almost little to no emphasis put on practical knowledge. While studying topics like Distillation and trigonometry, we must have all wondered why are we learning this? Will this ever be useful to me? This uncertainty is due to some glitches in our conventional educational system. This is where the flipped classroom approach started to make a name for itself worldwide.
The salient features of Flipped classroom approach
- Learning from the lecture part is done at home, at the students own pace.
- Classroom time is spent on doing practicals, interactive activities to illustrate concepts.
Effects of a flipped classroom approach
Teachers who tried the flipped classroom approach have said there are some notable advantages to this method when compared to our conventional methods.
- Teacher-student engagement: As students are spending more interactive time in the classrooms, they talk to the students more. They understand the needs of the students better. Thus helping to create a stronger relationship between the student and the teacher.
- Worth the effort: It is obvious that this approach will require more of an effort from the teacher’s side. But with this extra effort they put in, the output they get is well worth it.
- A diverse group of students: Since every student is unique, the same teaching techniques need not work for all. Teachers said, struggling students had a hard time with this technique.
Students who were a part of this flipped classroom approach had a few points of their own to say about their experience.
- Better than the old one: They preferred the flipped classroom approach over the conventional method.
- Content-centric: Not all topics can be covered by this technique. Some topics like eutrophication and algebra need to be explained in theory as learning them with practice is either far-fetched or impossible.
- Better Engagement: Students reported an increased level of engagement with the class than before. This method hence helped students to understand the topic better with ease and more concentration.
Thus, from the words of the teacher and the student we can infer a few details. The method of a flipped classroom approach has to be integrated with our current educational system. Evaluate the syllabus and apply it where it can be most effective. A major interpretation of this technique is how the involvement of technology can change the way we learn. The educational system is ebb and flowing trying to find the best system to maximise the effectiveness of the educational system. To learn more about how technology is changing the way we lear.